The Watertown Educators Association is a member-driven organization dedicated to supporting all students to learn and reach their fullest potential in all areas of their lives. We build power through organizing and use that power to promote our members’ interests within schools, the district, and the greater community. All WEA members are educators because we all contribute to the learning environments in our schools and the development of all students.
The WEA will improve the quality of our members’ economic and professional lives through collective bargaining, contract maintenance, labor regulations and laws.
The WEA will put educators at the center of decision making about the quality of teaching, student achievement and equity.
The WEA will keep students at the center of our work by promoting equity and opportunity for all students and educators while dismantling systemic and individual oppression in our schools based on class, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, sexuality, religion and other historically oppressed identities.
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